For additional Information, Contact

Charles Jamgotchian, Owner & Broker,   DRE Lic# 670397
2706 W. Ashlan #65, Fresno, CA 93705
Phone:  559-226-5796


28.4 Prime future subdivision land

Selma, California

Description:  ID# 6692 SOLD
Prime future subdivision land, across the street from the city of Selma sphere of influence on Manning Ave.  This is one of the few parcel that is NOT in the Williamson Act.

On Manning Ave. just east of McCall Ave.
APN 353-050-063

Old tear down house

Present and Best Use:
The sphere of influence of the city of Selma was extended last year to the south line of Manning Ave.  This property may be next in line to be included in the sphere.
Ideal for future single family residence or possible commercial.

Other items to consider
Presently zoned AG-20
Best for prospective Buyers to due some due diligence prior to making an offer.  Owners will consider a reasonable time period for due diligence.

Property is in an area being evaluated as part of the North East Specific Plan for the city of Selma.  In early 2005, the sphere of influence for Selma went north to Parlier Ave., however that was changed to go to the south line of Manning Ave.  By mid 2006, the North East Specific Plan will consider expanding the sphere of influence to include this property.

Sewer is presently not available.  SKF in Kingsburg, 559-897-6500,  should be contacted regarding the expansion of the sewer system.  Preliminary study has been done for the expansion which will be developer driven.

Williamson Act Info and new Legislation including info on AB 1492

Fresno County Home Page

City of Selma info

Aerial View of Land

Asking Price:  $2,800,000
Price reduced to $710,000
Owner will look at all Viable Offers and consider terms

See the following Maps, Pictures and Topography maps

Location Map

Land is on the right side of Manning Ave.

Old Orchard Land

Land is across the street from Manning Ave.

Close up of land along Manning Ave.

Assessor Map
APN 353-050-063

Aerial Map

North East Selma Preliminary Sewer Strategy

General Plan Land Use for the City of Selma 

Price and Availability are subject to change without notice
All information provided is deemed reliable, however we cannot guarantee its accuracy and we assume no liability for errors or omissions.
Prospective purchasers should independently verify all items of interest with their own sources and should consult with various professional and governmental agencies for additional information and conditions.
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