Tour of Turkey
For additional information contact, Charles Jamgotchian

1635 E. Ticonderoga Dr.,  Fresno, CA. 93720     Phone:  559-226-5796  eFAX:  775-254-2258

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Yagkesen  aka Kizil Vank
Misc. Links of Yagkesen and the Red Church
Google Map

Yagkesen is a very small village east of Kars a few kilometers west of the Armenian Border.

Wheat fields between Kars and Yagkesen

The Kizil Kilise aka Karmir Vank or the Red Church located in the small village of Yagkesen

Side view of church presently used to store farm supplies

Front view of Church

Dome is in good shape

Armenian writings above the entrance

Group picture

Interior used to store farm supplies

Cow poop is being dried to be used for heating in the winter time.  Maybe this is our answer to the energy crunch.

Surrounding meadows and fields with streams and springs in the village of Yagkesen